The Harvard Business Review recently discussed how a key to being a good leader is self awareness. We love the 5 ways Anthony Tjan, a respected an entrepreneur and principal investor, suggested to become more self aware:

We’ve paired each of Tjan’s suggestions with how Building Talent seeks to cultivate these practices into our talent management services:

  1. “Meditate”Think deeply about your LifeWork™
  2. “Write down your key plans and priorities” – At work, we call these Key Accountabilities when they are clarified in our Selection process
  3. “Take psychometric tests” – Try one of our FREE assessments in just 8 minutes
  4. “Ask trusted friends” – Our LifeWork™ Coaching engages people (LifeWork™ partners) in all the spheres of your life you are wanting to integrate
  5. “Get regular feedback at work”Benchmarking for performance management is a powerful tool that helps people better understand their company’s needs and culture and how their strengths and values contribute

To begin cultivating your own self awareness, request below a complimentary “Talent Insights Report” to unlock more of the leadership in you.

Free Talent Report