A few month’s ago Google’s CFO, Patrick Pichette, began the road to leaving the position he loved and to move beyond the pressures of being in “the Fraternity of Worldwide Insecure Over-achievers,” as he called it. Is this really what it takes to get work-life balance?
Think about it. 25-30 years of a “frenetic pace” at work with little time to be with your wife or children. The security of a bank account to leave it all behind to travel and follow “serendipity” for your next steps. These seem hardly realistic and plausible avenues for the masses.
Perhaps the work-life balance is really about a balance within. Maybe you can leave that fraternity of insecure over-achievers long before your kids have graduated and you have enough money in the bank to travel. Maybe your internal world can bring a balance to your external one.
Gaining a deeper understanding of yourself (strengths, driving motivations, and decision making clarity) are at the heart of Building Talent’s development and coaching services. We all have a ton of swirling expectations from our situations, clients, co-workers, family, and from within. Gaining discernment of external and internal forces is part of the discovery process that comes along with the TriMetrixHD assessment.
Whether its a Professional Development Plan for your workforce, or LifeWork™ Coaching for your own growth, you can begin to achieve a balance that leads to increased productivity at work, presence in your relationships, and integrity in your spheres of life.
Sample the assessment at the heart of these growth areas, and get a complimentary debrief.
Schedule your free debrief immediately following completion of the assessment.