One size does not fit all when it comes to the ideal leadership style for your business growth. Don’t let a leadership magnet limit your organization’s leaders.

In the leadership case study we discussed previously for a group of executives about leadership styles as observed through the D.I.S.C profiles, we found some interesting biases among the managing Principals of their firm. The President of the company was a “Persuader.” He is a goal-oriented individual who believes in harnessing people to help him achieve his goals.

Naturally, because of his success in the firm, most of the other Principals thought they needed to emulate his style to be successful as well. Others became more forward-looking, aggressive and competitive in order to keep up.

Take a look at this animation below to see how his style (in light blue) attracts half of the other profiles like a magnet:

magnet_v2But his leadership style alone is not sufficient for the success of their firm. In fact, all the Principals, in their own style, were successful in their own way, and contributed their own unique styles to aid the firm in its growth. But ultimately there was (and will be) still a temptation to emulate the biggest personality.

This insight was extremely helpful for this firm at an executive level and a personal level. No matter how successful you may become in your firm there may be a temptation to be like someone else who you imagine to be even more successful than you.

In your unique style, what are your biggest leadership contributions to the team? What are you able to do better than anyone else? What ways are you tempted to adapt in order to be more successful? What skills (which is different than style) do you want to develop to incorporate within your style?

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